It Starts With Me

It Starts With ME

2020 Potomac Pathfinders Camporee Logo

Friday Night Worship


Here are the placements for the Sabbath afternoon Scavenger Hunt.

Most Creative Photo – Wheaton Spanish – Team 4

Most Creative Team Name – Fredricksburg – Team 9 (Reasonable Amount of TP)

Most Items Completed – Seabrook – Team 1

Most Teams Participating – Capital Spanish – 18 teams

Top Scoring Clubs:
1st Place – Seabrook – average 165 points

2nd Place – Fredricksburg – average 142 points

3rd Place – Wheaton Spanish – average 136 points

Top Scoring Teams:

Seabrook – Team 1 – 240 points

Beltsville – Matiras + Ezekiel – 235 points

Beltsville – Illangovan + Alec – 215 points


Bread Dough Honor


Here is the Bread Dough honor worksheet


Ingredients List:  Please have the following items available and ready to use during our presentation.

1 – 2 Cups           Flour

½ Cup                    Salt

½ Cup                    Water

Food Coloring


Paper Plate

Mixing Bowl

Paper Towel

After the honor time is over, you will need access to an oven or some other way of getting your art completely dry before you paint and/or seal it.


1 – Attached is the worksheet for the honor.  It is a fillable PDF so if you want, you can open it and type in your answers in the fields provided.  This is so that you can show both your completed worksheet and your finished projects to your director or counselor.  Once you do this they will be able to get the honor patch to you.

2 – PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT THERE IS AN ADULT nearby while you are in this session.  This is for your safety and so that they can help you with parts of this honor process which might be more difficult and/or riskier (a hot oven).


Chris Walker’s Memorial

 Hello everyone,

Chris Walker’s Memorial will be broadcasted live from his Facebook account on Sunday August 9th. Please join us here at 4pm eastern time.

YouTube Broadcast
This is the link to the YouTube channel where the memorial will also be livestreamed. Please share with anyone who is not friends with Chris on facebook or does not have access to facebook

They might be testing the livestream equipment, so you might see the video start before then.

Here is the link to The YouTube tribute to Chris  I hope you enjoy it.

Posted on Facebook by Martha Kigernelson.

Christopher Alexander Walker was an amazing person whom many people loved and considered a close friend. Despite serious struggles with Sickle Cell Disease, he accomplished a great deal in his too-short life. His academic successes were impressive, but eclipsed by his achievements in youth ministry. His service to youth was as integral to him as breathing. He was a person who radiated joy and humor and warmth. He also understood the challenges of young people and knew how to connect with and support teens. He loved people and kept in touch with so many who needed that connection. He perceived needs and found ways to meet them, often putting people together with others who had the needed skills or resources. He chose to be joyful and grateful every day despite chronic and often severe pain. His faith was his foundation and he showed the world what the love of Jesus looks like in person. His influence will live on in those who were fortunate to share his life.