• If your church has any former Pathfinders that cannot commit to every week, but could help for one weekend – WE NEED THEM FOR CAMPOREE THIS YEAR • Remember for every volunteer you bring with you and house and feed, you get that person plus one other free of charge • Limit of 10 volunteers per club • Please let us know about any potential volunteers – contact either • Dick Kiger-Nelson- dick.kigernelson@gmail.com • Jeff Cooley- jeffcooley.sr@gmail.com
As we prepare for the 2018-2019 Pathfinder year, we note that many clubs wish to introduce the Model Rocketry Honor but don’t have the facilities or expertise necessary for a safe launch. NARHAMS supports the oldest public model rocket demonstration launches in the United States. These launches have been part of the NASA Goddard Visitor Center programs since 1976.
The launches are held on the first Sunday of each month at NASA‘s Goddard Space Flight Center, starting at 1 pm. Anyone who wishes to fly at these events may do so. Visitors may bring and prepare their own models; a group safety briefing is given at 1:00pm, and models are given a preflight safety assessment. They allow single-engine models that must not exceed D-class models. 1/2A or A models work best for their field. Due to the limited recovery area. the flying of high power models and untested designs is discouraged.They do not permit models whose altitude may exceed 2,000 feet, nor do they normally allow glider models.
If you have any questions, please contact the NASA Goddard Visitor Center front desk at 301-286-8981.
Weather decisions will be made the day of the launch — to check the status of a launch, please contact the Visitor Center front desk.
“Children are the future of the church.” Many of us have heard this phrase time and time again, and with good reason. On their pathway to adulthood, children will often become involved with various ministries and services until they are ready for leadership roles. As leaders, it is our responsibility to care for and prepare them for those leadership roles within the church.
We must also remember that they are still children as of now and must be protected and kept safe. The church should always be a safe environment for all children and a place where children can trust leaders. That is why implementing child protection and safety practices are crucial.
Join David Fournier, vice president and chief client care officer for Adventist Risk Management, Inc. (ARM), in this webinar to review child protection guidelines, learn what leadership can do right now, and discover steps for quality supervision.
Download these resources to start implementing child protection and safety practices:
This material is fact based general information provided by Adventist Risk Management®, Inc. and should not, under any circumstances, be modified or changed without prior permission. It should not be considered specific legal advice regarding a particular matter or subject. Please consult your local attorney or risk manager if you would like to discuss how a local jurisdiction handles specific circumstances you may be facing.