April 2019 Area Coordinators Communique

Welcome to our Area Coordinator’s Communique

The purpose of this Communique is to
a keep communication between Area
Coordinators and Directors/Staff. This
will be use to educate and as a reminder.

Starting next Pathfinder year (July
2019) we will continue to send this
communique on a regular basic depending
on the needs, also this
Newsletter will be use to inform you
and your club about any updated information
from the conference.

We would love to hear from you on
the challenges and concerns you may
have throughout the year. We will try
to address them.

AC Communique April

Bienvenidos a nuestro Comunicado de los Coordinadores de Área

El propósito de este comunicado
es mantener una comunicación
entre los coordinadores de área y
los directores/personal de apoyo.
Esto lo usaremos para educar y
como recordatorios.

Comenzando el próximo año
(Julio 2019) nosotros seguiremos
enviando este comunicado de
manera regular dependiendo de la
necesidad del mismo. También
será utilizado para mantenerles al
corriente de las noticias mas recientes,
cambios y actualizaciones
de la conferencia.

Nos encantaría escuchar de ustedes,
cuales son sus retos y preocupaciones
a lo largo del año y
haremos todo lo posible por contestarles.


Changes to Pathfinder Fair Schedule

Hello Potomac Pathfinders,

The schedule has changed due to the presence of rain throughout the morning.

  • Drill down occupy the morning activities and will begin after opening  Ceremonies.
  • Activities will not begin before lunch.
  • Our initial plan was to keep all honors indoors in case of rain.
    • This will continue as scheduled.
  • After our scheduled lunch break, Indoor Honors and outdoor Activities will begin.