
Roadtrips, Blizzards, and Memories Mark the End of the 2024 PBE Season

By Jenna Lettsome and Valeria Bentivegna (translation)
Tranquility Camp in Green Township, New Jersey was anything but tranquil this weekend as a chaotic tornado of yellow scarves and the cheers of over two hundred Pathfinders read the answer to question 90. With 37 teams at this incredible event, memories were surely made as road trips, potluck, and the making of friends across the union painted the second Sabbath of March. For one team, a few wrong turns leading to getting dangerously lost and cutting it close to start time proved to be all the while worth it as the Fredericksburg Patriots will be moving onto the North American Division (NAD) level. They, along with 8 other teams from our Conference will find themselves in for one more round in Greeley, Colorado later in April.
Along with the good news of team placements came an even bigger surprise: Union Executive Secretary Celeste Blyden and Treasurer Emmanuel Asiedu, announced that the Columbia Union would be assisting each team with a gift of $2000 dollars to help them achieve the dream of putting their boots on Rocky Mountain soil. And earlier this week, the Potomac Conference announced that they will be awarding $1000 to each team moving on to the fourth level (and testing in-person). This generous donation comes from the fact that our church leaders recognize that funds are desperately needed as this is the year that the International Camporee will be held in Gillette, Wyoming. Much like Joshua and the many other judges they are studying about, these Pathfinders did not lose faith in the knowledge that God ALWAYS has a plan, whether it’s 300 men armed with trumpets, torches, and pitchers (oh my!) or $3000.
For some, while this may mark the end of the PBE 2024 road, do not give up. Romans and 1 & 2 Corinthians are coming up! The Letters of Paul and the truth he brings will not only be your next challenge, but also verses to keep inside your heart as you go on God’s errands. Do not see this as the end of your PBE journey. Whether this is your last year, or your first, PBE will always be back, and there for you as you step into next year as a teammate, a coach, or as a cheerleader for your club. The chapters you learned, and the characters you met along your journey will stay with you forever, guiding each step on this winding road called life.
For those moving on, keep studying! Just because you’ve made it past the big one doesn’t mean your season is over yet. Embrace these last few weeks and conquer. We’ll see you in Colorado.
As the Columbia Union is the first to go through testing, information regarding registration and other important topics will be released a little later this month by the NAD. For pictures of the teams, and other photos captured at the Union event, check out @potomacpbe on Instagram or our Facebook page.
Por Jenna Lettsome y Valeria Bentivegna (traducción)
Tranquility Camp en Green Township, Nueva Jersey, estuvo todo menos tranquilo este fin de semana cuando un tornado caótico de pañuelos amarillos y los aplausos de más de doscientos Conquistadores leyeron la respuesta a la pregunta 90. Con 37 equipos en este increíble evento, seguramente se crearon recuerdos durante el camino, los viajes, las comidas compartidas y los nuevos amigos en la Union, pintaron el segundo sábado de marzo. Para un equipo, algunos cruces equivocados que los llevaron a perderse peligrosamente y terminaron llegando cerca de la hora de inicio, pero demostraron que valieron la pena, ya que los Fredericksburg Patriots pasarán al nivel de la División Norteamericana (NAD). Ellos, junto con otros 8 equipos de nuestra Conferencia, se enfrentarán a una ronda más en Greeley, Colorado, a finales de abril.
Junto con la buena noticia de os resultados de los equipos vino una sorpresa aún mayor: la Secretaria Ejecutiva de la Union, Celeste Blyden, y el Tesorero, Emmanuel Asiedu, anunciaron que la Union de Columbia estará ayudando a cada equipo con una donación de $2000 dólares para ayudarlos a lograr el sueño de poner los pies en el suelo de las Rocky Mountains. Y a principios de esta semana, la Conferencia de Potomac anunció que otorgarán $1000 a cada equipo que pasó al cuarto nivel (y realicen pruebas en persona). Esta generosa donación proviene del hecho de que los líderes de nuestra iglesia reconocen que se necesitan fondos desesperadamente ya que este es el año en que se llevará a cabo el Camporee Internacional en Gillette, Wyoming. Al igual que Josué y muchos otros jueces sobre los que están estudiando, estos Conquistadores no perdieron la fe en el conocimiento de que Dios SIEMPRE tiene un plan, ya sean 300 hombres armados con trompetas, antorchas y cántaros (¡Dios mío!) o $3000.
Para los cuales esto puede marcar el final del camino hacia el PBE 2024, no se rindan. ¡Se acerca Romanos y 1era y 2nda de Corintios! Las Cartas de Pablo y la verdad que él trae no solo serán tu próximo desafío, sino también versículos que debes guardar dentro de tu corazón mientras realizas los mandados de Dios. No veas esto como el final de tu jornada de PBE. Ya sea que este sea tu último año o el primero, PBE siempre estará de vuelta y ahí para ti a medida que avanzas hacia el próximo año como compañero de equipo, entrenador o animador de tu club. Los capítulos que aprendiste y los personajes que conociste a lo largo de esta jornada permanecerán contigo para siempre, guiándote en cada paso en este sinuoso camino llamado vida.
Para aquellos que siguen adelante, ¡sigan estudiando! El hecho de que hayas superado este grande nivel no significa que tu temporada haya terminado todavía. Abraza estas últimas semanas y conquista. Nos vemos en Colorado.
Como la Union de Columbia es la primera en tener las pruebas, la NAD publicará información sobre el registro y otros temas importantes a finales de este mes. Para ver fotografías de los equipos y otras fotografías tomadas en el evento de la Unión, consulte @potomacpbe en Instagram o nuestra página de Facebook.
Photo Credit: Shane Hochstetler, NAD
On 8/26/2023, Gabriel Wilkerson became the newest member of the Breath Of Life SDA church and was publicly immersed in the water to demonstrate his commitment to follow Jesus’s example through Baptism. We celebrate with his family and pray that he will continue on trusting God as he serves his country as a member of the US Air Force.
Four years ago, at the International Pathfinder Camporee, Gabriel and his mother searched for a Teen Leadership Training program bring offered by a Pathfinder Club in the DC Metro area. They found the Beltsville Broncos Club in the Potomac Conference. Gabriel had completed his Guide level and wanted to do more and receive Christian Leadership Training. He brought his three younger brothers to join the club with him. The commitment he demonstrated throughout this four year program has been exemplary. Two years ago he also began his Master Guide Journey with the club counselors. Towards the end of this journey, his study of the Master Guide requirements, combined with his collective study, and Pathfinder experiences with his counselors over these many years helped him realize the importance baptism. He understood that making the very public declaration to follow the examples of Jesus begins with baptism. This is the link to witness a new birth for yourself: Gabriel’s Baptism
We are looking forward to continue our journey with him and his brothers as mentors and family no matter where this life takes them. May the God of peace protect and keep him safe throughout all his life journeys, so that he may continue to be a powerful witness to the supreme power of the living God of Creation.
La transmisión comenzará el 27 de febrero de 2022, a partir de las 4 pm
The broadcast will begin February 27, 2022, starting at 4 pm
Hello Everyone,
This is where the PBE Area Test Results will be announced via a YouTube Embedded video. That will be shown below.
You are Invited to our Next Master Guide Training Opportunity
Who: Anyone in need of training in pursuit of their Master Guide
What: Child Development (This will be taught in 2 sessions. Please see info below)
The seminar will be provided in English and Spanish
Where: Virtually using Zoom (details to follow) – PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED
When: Sabbath afternoon, October 17th, 2020 3:00 PM – 7:15 PM.
Child Development – The first session will be geared to Master Guides working with or planning to work with Pathfinders ages 10-12. From 3 PM to 5 PM – English and Spanish Sessions
Child Development – The second session will be geared to Master Guides working with or planning to work with Pathfinders ages 13-15. From 5:15 PM -7:15 PM – English and Spanish Sessions
Homework for all interested: Please fill out the form at the bottom of this message to PRE-REGISTER.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, October 14th, 2020 by the end of the day.
To be clear, you will NOT be able to attend if you have NOT pre-registered as instructed above.
There is no cost associated with attending these seminars. If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Snaith at snakie150@gmail.com or (703) 577-3985.
Kevin Snaith
Oro para que todos estén y sigan en salud durante este tiempo único de distanciamiento social, aunque no estamos listos aun para reunirnos en personas, estamos disponibles y seguimos apoyando las clases para futuros Guías Mayores travez de su programa virtualmente.
Te estamos invitando a las siguiente oportunidades de entrenamiento de Guías Mayores:
Quienes: Cualquier que este en la necesidad de completar su programa a ser Guía Mayor
El Que: Desarrollo del niño(este sera ensenado en dos secciones. Por favor siga la información que sigue a continuación).
este seminario sera ensenado en ingles y español
Donde: De manera virtual usando la plataforma de zoom(siga los detalles). PRE – REGISTRASION ES REQUERIDA.
Cuando: La tarde del sábado 17 de octubre 3:00pm a 7:15pm
El desarrollo del niño – sección 1- estaba abarcando las edades de conquistadores de 10-12 años sera de 3pm a 5:00pm ambas secciones, ingles y español.
El desarrollo del niño – secciones 2 – estaba abarcando las edades de 13-15 años y sera de 5:15pm – 7:15pm ambas secciones, ingles y español.
Por favor complete el formulario al final de este mensaje para PRE-REGISTRARSE.
La fecha limite para la registration es el Miércoles 14 de octubre del 2020 antes del final día.
Aclarando algo: si usted no va a participar no tiene que hace pre – registrasion como se indica arriba.
No hay ningunead costo asociado a estos seminarios, si tiene alguna pregunta por favor comuníquese con Kevin Snaith al snakie150@gmail.com o al (703) 577-3985.
Kevin Snaith
We are grateful for the presentations that were made by each of the club directors. Each demonstrated why Potomac Pathfinders is an effective and essential ministry at every level in Potomac Conference. Our meeting was very productive, and we learned that we are all stronger when we press together, share information, and prayerfully seek God’s direction at every step in this ministry. We learned that we have all found the Covid-19 environment very challenging to adjust to. We also learned:
As they become available, I will post the materials each presenter has shared as a resource to use in your ministry.
Agradecemos las presentaciones realizadas por cada uno de los directores del club. Cada uno demostró por qué Potomac Conquestadores es un ministerio eficaz y esencial en todos los niveles de la Conferencia Potomac. Nuestra reunión fue muy productiva, y aprendimos que todos somos más fuertes cuando nos unimos, compartimos información y buscamos en oración la dirección de Dios en cada paso de este ministerio. Aprendimos que a todos nos ha parecido muy difícil adaptarse al entorno Covid-19. También aprendimos:
A medida que estén disponibles, publicaré los materiales que cada presentador ha compartido como recurso para usar en su ministerio.
This is a presentation that was shared by the Olney Musketeers director, Andrew Herolds.
Esta es una presentación que fue compartida por el director de Olney Musketeers, Andrew Herolds.
Living Hope Messengers Pathfinder Club hosted a Facebook Live event on Sabbath, May 23 at 4 PM. The Honor was taught by Pastor Christian Martin live on their Facebook page:
Click on the embedded YouTube video below.
This is an opportunity for all interested Pathfinders and staff members to earn the Cultural Heritage Honor by watching the presentation, filling out the attached sheet below and submitting it to your club directors to receive your patch.